MXN Development Construction is a property investment, development and construction company in South Africa.
Founded in 1996. MXN has a track record for excellence and innovation in the industry. The principals and executive team in MXN has half a century of combined successful experience in built environment in South Africa.
MXN is a 100? black owned company which recognise the need to empower all South Africans. There are several strategies in place:
- The company employs predominant historically disadvantaged South Africans.
- An Affrmative Action procurement policy.
- The sourcing of services from small and medium-sized enterprises, particularly in historically disadvantaged areas. Maximising spending where a project is executed.
- Recruiting local communities and enterprises.
MXN is involved a number of CSI initiatives:
Skills development and transfer – development and transfer of skills in the communities where a project is executed.
Financial support for AIDS and children organisations: Is one of the main funders of Hope Drop In Centre at Pietersburg. The organisation cares for and feeds orphans, abandoned children and victims of AIDS.